Jon E.
EinsidlerManaging Director
Jon Einsidler is a Managing Director of Okapi Partners specializing in proxy fights, mergers, tender offers, and corporate actions. His expertise includes communication with a wide range of institutional investors including hedge funds, pension funds and mutual funds. Jon has been engaged in investor response campaigns and proxy solicitation work for over twenty years. Prior to joining Okapi in 2014, he spent more than fourteen years at Georgeson as a Senior Managing Director, three years as a partner with Laurel Hill Advisory Group, and three years with AST Phoenix Advisors where he was one of the founding partners.
Jon has worked on some of the largest hostile takeovers in history including Conrail – CSX, ITT-Hilton, TRW-Northrup, PeopleSoft- Oracle and Baffinland and Agrium in Canada. The information he gathered from investors and the outreach strategies he developed helped shape the takeover defenses for his clients.
Jon’s contacts and expertise in working with the hedge fund community have proven to be a valuable asset for Okapi and its clients in mergers, tender offers, and activist campaigns. With the ever-increasing complexity of corporate shareholdings – especially when there is high turnover – Jon’s expertise is essential in developing effective strategies for our Market Intelligence Group clients.
Prior to working in proxy solicitation, Jon was an investment banker for twelve years, most notably with EuroPartners Securities Corporation (owned by Credit Lyonnais, Commerzbank, Banco di Roma, and Bank Leu) where he was Vice President and department head for Corporate Finance.
Jon earned a M.B.A. from the Sloan School of Management at MIT. He also received a B.A., concentration in mathematics and economics, from Dartmouth College.